In Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, the worlds of Peter Parker and Spider-Man collide in an original action-packed story. Play as an experienced Peter Parker, fighting big crime and iconic villains in Marvel’s New York. Web-swing through vibrant neighborhoods and defeat villains with epic…
– My PS4 achievements: 48 out of 51 (88 procent) – Play time: 36 hours – Released date: 7 September 2018
My opinion about this game
I am a fan of Spider-man but only the first Spider-man movies which Tobey Maguire played. He is my favorite and true Spider-man. This game was really good. It felt like I was playing the Spider-man movies. The mechanics were easy to use and to swing from one building to another. The graphics was very good and the story. I liked when you can change outfits too in the game. The skull blue suit and black ones were awesome. I tried this game in Gamescom 2017 or 2018, don’t remember the exact date but my mom tried the demo and she liked it too. She never plays any game but she wanted to try the demo before release.