"Once Upon A Time During A Mysterious Winter"
This was my third game on itch.io and published in the month January 2023. I wanted to join the winter jam but they only accepted 2D, so I continue making this small game to learn my mistakes and test out the new assets on Unity.
– a small relaxing game for all ages!
I received some good donations too! Thank you!
CHECK OUT my game still AVAILABLE on itch.io and have fun playing it!
Game Description
Once Upon A Time During A Mysterious WInter A first-person exploration and relaxing game for all ages to play. You will walk around in a mysterious winter. During the game, you will have to do something. Calming colors and nice scenery to enjoy.
Gameplay time: between 15 – 30 mins.
List During Development skills And Reviews From Players and Indiedev friends
- Added walking sound in the snow for the self made first-person game object.
- Unity version 2019 (devlog click here).
- Made prefabs for interactive objectives.
- Sound based on speakers and can adjust by lowering the volume in Windows, not in the game.
- Add visible walls and hills so the player thinks the map is big and doesn’t see the edge.
- Players liked the music (devlog click here).
- Used free sounds in the game (devlog click here).
- Added mini map in the game so you can find all objectives to interact (YouTube video from a YouTuber click here).
- Visual scripting is less messy and more organized and learned my mistakes.
- Learned how to play and stop particle system with playmaker.
- Made main menu and pause menu in the game.
- Winter theme in the game.
- improved visuals with new Unity assets (paid).
- Players, indiedevs, friends and my mother were impressed with new game design style.
- Relaxing walking simulator (devlog click here).
- Learned a little more about animation trigger.
- Dialogs will activate but don’t need to stop the player moving because other interactive objects are far away.
- Directly do every performance steps while changing or adding something in the scene. And save it in the prefabs too.
- Performance learned from New Home added in this game too.
- Fixing bugs were much easier to see or understand.
- Kept low quality in the game project settings.
- FPS between 35 – 85.
- The things I didn’t know in Where Is Here: New Home, I learned in this game to fix it or to understand it.
- Had nice reviews about the game. So I am glad. Thank you.
- Standard Render Pipeline used in the game.
- Still need to learn about animation and animator 3D in the next game.
- Font is not readable in the subtitle box (wanted to add snow effect in the font).
- When running, players would like to press only once on left shift to run instead of holding left shift to run.
- Marketing wasn’t easy again to post or share on social media.
- Launch was an success by very generous donations (thank you!) but not many downloads for a very small price (devlog click here).
- Need to learn more about marketing the game the right way and how.

Graphic view for a year (Views, Downloads, Donations)

Why making this game?
I made this next game because I wanted to join the winter game jam on itch.io in December 2022 but I forgot that they only accept 2D adventure or visual novels video games. So I continue this game to fix my problems that I had with Where Is Here: New Home. So the next big game will be much easier to understand and scripting it. I had a lot of fun making this game. It took me 3 weeks and I started on 26 December 2022 and finished in January 2023. The new Unity assets (paid and free ones) were fun to use it. Very different style than Where Is Here: New Home.